Discussion in 'Beta Discussion' started by Vesuvius_SWIE, Feb 13, 2017.

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  1. Devilgeek

    Devilgeek Member

    Alright, played a few games to test out the theory about the 'can't shoot when you first encounter', but I found the trick. If the enemy ships discovers you first, you cannot shoot it that turn, but if you discover its location first, you can shoot it that same turn.
    Not too sure if it is supposed to be fixed by now, but I did encounter the issue about 20 mins ago.
  2. SPiEkY

    SPiEkY Member

    Yeah, there's some workarounds that let you shoot them. If you can find them and then pass turn, you can attack them when you resume your turn.
    darklord48 likes this.
  3. Devilgeek

    Devilgeek Member

    I just disproved my own theory actually. It looks like it has something to do with AI scanner range (SR). If you are within their SR, they generally take a shot at you, often missing; and I think that's where it breaks. I'm not too sure how exactly the game breaks but it happens when they shoot at you outside of your own SR.

    -Still waiting on the next build, it should be fixing this problem, because you're supposed to be able to fire at any time you want on your turn when you've detected your enemy. But yes, if you pass your turn, and make the enemy move first, you can bypass this bug for now. -Vesuvius
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 8, 2017
  4. Devilgeek

    Devilgeek Member

    There is another bug where, if you enter a sector with a single defense drone, and kill it before any reinforcements come in, there won't be any reinforcements spawning, so you have to wait until the points slowly allocate themselves to your side.

    -It might be a specific region bug: Do you know what regions this happened? -Vesuvius

    Additionally, not sure if this is a bug or not, but if you travel in any kind of cloud (radioactive, red ones or blue ones) you can move forward for free while in them. Turning still takes action points, but moving straight forward is free.

    -That is definitely a new bug I have not noticed. Writing a new bug ticket for this one! -Vesuvius
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 8, 2017
  5. SPiEkY

    SPiEkY Member

    New build is up, looks like the bug is fixed. Anything else new with this build?

    Edit: Just experienced it again, I'll see if I can find out what caused it, since it worked right on the first enemy I found.

    -That bug isn't fixed yet, that will be fixed either late tonight or tomorrow morning. -Vesuvius
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 8, 2017
    darklord48 likes this.
  6. Vesuvius_SWIE

    Vesuvius_SWIE Administrator Staff Member

    The new build fixed a few targeting issues, as well as more stability fixes (crash to desktop stuff), and a revitalized shipyard identifying what you own, what is available, and what is 'locked'.
    SPiEkY likes this.
  7. SPiEkY

    SPiEkY Member

    So, for shits and giggles I decided to check out a hive region in my Class VII, little did I know they would send a Class VIII at me. That was a pretty intense fight, though the 1k kill xp and 4-500ish damage xp was totally worth it.

    -How close was it? Did it almost kill you? The Hive Entity is pretty deadly...
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 9, 2017
    darklord48 likes this.
  8. Devilgeek

    Devilgeek Member

    It doesn't appear to be region specific, just in general.
  9. FalconBG

    FalconBG New Member

    I just recieved a "Your Early Access Beta Key for Space Wars" from [email protected], but the key does not work. Is that a that real mail or a spam?
  10. Vesuvius_SWIE

    Vesuvius_SWIE Administrator Staff Member

    Its not a spam -- That should be a correct beta key, if it doesn't work however, I can give you a new one. But if you are from a country like Bulgaria, Steam might not accept it.
  11. Vesuvius_SWIE

    Vesuvius_SWIE Administrator Staff Member

    The targeting round 1 bug now fixed on this morning's build.
    CamadJ and SPiEkY like this.
  12. FalconBG

    FalconBG New Member

    Please send me another one, I'll start Steram behind US proxy. Thanks in advance.

    -Private Message Sent -Vesuvius
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 9, 2017
  13. Ereinion

    Ereinion Member

    So, I'm back and I see lots of improvements. The inability to shoot into the sensor shadow is actually a really nice defense against the AI. And all that xp I suddenly get from AI is really nice.
    But, is there any reason why I can't capture any regions? I tried to capture S-1001, but it just stopped counting at 0-50 and send more and more ships against me.
    Also, why is there a Genari mine in that sector? I mean it belongs to sol. So, what is it doing there?

    - Another bug of course. There shouldn't be a mine there. -Vesuvius

    Edit: Hm, now after I left the region it is suddenly captured and of the mine there is only space-debris left.
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 9, 2017
  14. Ereinion

    Ereinion Member

    Now, both the region G-1501 and the region G-1401 were in Sol hands. But, when I went there I found the counter to be 50-0 in favor of Genari and after shooting one enemy and then leaving the sector (there were no more enemies entering) it already moved into Genari hands.
    -Looks like the capture bug issues are back again - Vesuvius

    Another thing: I'm flying a good Agile Flyer III and, well... I find myself at 17 of 16 hull points quite often.

    -Could you post a screenshot of that? I'd like to report this bug. -Vesuvius

    And a question: What exactly does the "structures" point mean when you are looking at a sector from the galaxy map?

    -Structures = mines/drones/stations/bases -Vesuvius
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 9, 2017
  15. SPiEkY

    SPiEkY Member

    It got me down to about 20 hull points before I disabled its "engines" and was able to kill it, so I went again in my Class VIII, which was a much closer fight, though I'm pretty sure that in a straight slugfest I'd lose. Those 15-damage "lasers" are insane.
    darklord48 likes this.
  16. Ereinion

    Ereinion Member

    I have the screen shot here. I hope that it's actually uploaded now. But, I can only hope as my internet is just horrible today. No, I will upload it tomorrow.

    No, I meant: how are they counted? If you look at your homeworld it states structures:5, but there are about 20 mines around it.

    -That is a bug for sure, I think they all say 5 right now it seems. -Vesuvius

    And I actually had to capture G-1401 again.
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 9, 2017
  17. Vesuvius_SWIE

    Vesuvius_SWIE Administrator Staff Member

    Heads-up I'm traveling to PAX East in Boston today; will be in the dark regarding the forum while I'm gone; probably until Sunday night when I fly back.
    CamadJ and darklord48 like this.
  18. Devilgeek

    Devilgeek Member

    To make this simple for when @Vesuvius_SWIE comes back, I made a Google Docs for bug reports for now so he can find them all in one place without having to go through the entire forum.


    The Doc is editable in case anyone finds a new bug. I know it sounds silly to create a new document for bug reporting, but it's easier on there for screenshots, massive text blocks and he can scroll through the bugs in a single page.
  19. Ereinion

    Ereinion Member

    Good thinking Devilgeek! But, I see you already have quite a bunch of bugs together there, so I can't really add anything now.

    Also, am I the only one that thinks it strange that Nebulae do not hinder scanner/vision- range in the slightest?

    Edit: Wow, is the AI suddenly taking action as well? I was just in a fight with quite a bunch of captains that seemed to be AIs (from the names) on both sides, so that actually the faction limit was filled.
    Last edited: Mar 10, 2017
  20. Lesiak

    Lesiak Member

    I've seen ai fighting each other en masse before. I think the nebula stuff is broken or disabled for beta. I don't think radiation does any damage to your ship either.

    -Yes, the Nebula isn't working right for now -- its supposed to block all scanners going through (except anywhere within 4 hex range). And it is supposed to disable your scanners as well when you're in it. -Vesuvius
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 13, 2017
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